Dynamic 2D files
2D files also known as background files or display models are defined as files with no height information
available. Height of all points in the file is set to 0.00 meters. These files are often used as background to
visualize existing infrastructure or drain pipes where height was not logged originally. When working in
projects with the 2D files, they are not placed in height 0.00 meters. They are moved closer to the project,
right below the active 3D references lowest point. These files are handled dynamically, so whenever a 3D
reference is activated or deactivated, the 2D files adjust accordingly.
Stakeout line
Stakeout line is showing the line information for the selected reference. To stakeout a line, press the line or
press the line name in the reference dialog and press the stakeout icon in the top of the reference dialog. A
Makin' 3D User guide 2.18, 1st edition, May 2022 © Copyright 2021, Makin AS