Finish by pressing ‘OK’.
Give the new line a name.
If you have selected three points or more, you can select the ‘Close line segment’ option to
connect a line between the first and last points.
Finish the line by pressing ‘OK’.
Create profile along lines
From ‘References’ tap ‘+’ and then ‘Profile’.
The line will function as the centerline for the profile, where you can add any number of surfaces
on either side of the line.
You will be prompted “Select the lines for the profile”.
Select the lines for the profile in the 3D visualization or in the list. When done, tap ‘OK’.
Give the profile a name.
Hit the ‘+’ button on the left and right side of the screen to respectively add new surfaces on
the left or right side of the line.
Adjust each of the surfaces’ width, height, and angle according to the design that you want.
You can also adjust the height offset of the whole profile.
Geodetic systems
Menu > Project > Geodetic system
Only in rare cases should the machine operator be concerned about selecting the correct
coordinate system and geodetic model. With Makin’ 3D these matters are handled in a central
place - e.g. the construction office. When made available, the geodetic system cannot be changed
in the excavator. It is possible though, to handle the geodetic system locally when required by
simply not having it preselected for a particular project.
Extend surface
Menu > Project > Extend surface
Extending the surface allows you to continue your excavation even if you are beyond the design
that is already at hand. By selecting ‘Extend surface’, you extend the road surface you are working
on - even if the actual design has limitations. The same is true for cuts where the cutting surface is
too short for you to find the cutting top.
Makin' 3D User guide 2.18, 1st edition, May 2022 © Copyright 2021, Makin AS