Entering this menu adjusts the height offset you want to have for the whole project. Typical use is
whether one has only been given the surface of a road and should dig for a ditch or other layers
beneath the surface. If the ditch is known to be 0.85 meters under the finished road then adjust
the offset value to -0.85. A parallel surface/line will then be created 0.85 meters beneath the
theoretical model. The whole model will be offset. You can enter the desired value manually or use
the + characters, as well as move your finger up or down in the vertical field.
Project offset
Project offset is designed to adjust a machine's height to match the height on the project you are
working on. Even if a machine is correctly calibrated, the height measured on a toolpoint of the
application can differ from the height on a known point on the project. This can differ because of
different reference networks used on the project (Ntrip or Base)
different GNSS systems
placing the project at the wrong height when the project was planned.
To mitigate this, we have added the project offset functionality, which adjusts the received GNSS
height (not the antenna height) to match the height of the known point on the project.
Note: You must ensure that the machine is calibrated correctly before adjusting the project offset.
Project offset is limited to adjustments of +/- 50 cm.
Makin' 3D User guide 2.18, 1st edition, May 2022 © Copyright 2021, Makin AS