other selected references. In this case the user can Lock a reference, isolating the navigation to
this specific reference, without deactivating all other active references.
You can select and lock to a line, point, or surface that will be used as a reference.
If you are moving the tool point around on the project, the height and side reference will keep being
locked to the selected reference, and keep this as the reference.
Locking a reference can be done in the reference menu or directly in the run screen
Select an object by pressing the object name or directly on the visualized object in the run screen.
Press the lock icon to lock to the selected reference.
Select Side, Height or Both
You can see that both Side and Height have a lock on them.
If you want to unlock it again just tap once on the lock and it will disappear.
If you want to lock the reference directly under your tool point, this can be done by pressing the
reference name in the runscreen. This will toggle the lock icon between open and closed for either
height or side reference.
Makin' 3D User guide 2.18, 1st edition, May 2022 © Copyright 2021, Makin AS