English 9
Dis&lla&on is as old as mother nature’s ‘Hydrologic Cycle’. This natural dis&lla&on method
involves the sun hea&ng the water on the earth's surface.
The water is then turned into a vapour and rises while leaving contaminants behind before
forming clouds. As the upper atmosphere drops in temperature the vapours cool and convert
back to water to form droplets of pure water (dis&lled). When these water droplets drop to
the earth's surface, as snow or rain (precipita&on), the cycle repeats again.
Water dis&lla&on is known to remove the broadest range of contaminants over any
other water treatment system
Water dis&lla&on is the most effec&ve method for the removal of organic, inorganic
and biological (bacteria, viruses, etc.) contaminants
Dis&lled water is the CLOSEST defini&on of PURE DRINKING WATER H20
Perfectly natural water being odourless, colourless and tasteless it is the only natural
solvent that can be taken into the body without damage to the &ssues
It can act as a solvent in the body by dissolving nutrients so they can be assimilated
and taken into every cell.
Toxins in the body can be removed as it dissolves the cell wastes
Helps to dissolve inorganic minerals lodged in the &ssues of the body elimina&ng
substances while purifying the body.
Unlike tap water leaves no residue when entering the body nor does it leach out
organic body minerals
Dis&lled water is the most ideal water for all humans and animals
An ideal liquid for efficient func&oning of the lungs, liver and all other vital organs.
Due to its purity, drug prescrip&ons are formulated with dis&lled water
Drinking a gallon of Dis&lled Water every day will bring your body to its perfect state
Dis&lled water treats / helps prevent many illnesses such as Alzheimer's & Arthri&s