S12800 Routing Switch Installa
tion Manual V1.0
Maipu Confidential & Proprietary Information
Page 133
When the cables need to bend, bundle before the cables bend, but the cable tie cannot be
bundled to the bent area, so as to avoid greater stress in the cable, leaving the cable core
rupture, as shown in the following figure.
Appendix figure F-5 The diagram of bent-bundling the cables
The power cables cannot be bundled to the guide rail of the moving parts.
For the power cables connected to moving parts, such as the ground wire, reserve some
margin after assembling, so as to prevent the cables from bearing the stress. When the
moving parts reach the installation location, ensure that the extra cable does not contact
with the heat source, sharp, sharp edges, etc. When the heat source cannot be avoided,
the cable should adopt the high-temperature cable.
Use the screwed cable to connect the terminal, the screws or nuts should be securely
fastened, and take anti-loosening measures, as shown in the following figure.
Appendix figure F-6 The cabling fixing
1.Flat pad
4. Spring pad nut 5. 6. threaded
3.Plat pad
4. Spring pad
5. Nut
6. Threaded post
For the hard power cables, fix the cables near to the termination, so as to prevent
generating the stress on the termination and cable.
Do not use self-tapping screws to fasten the terminals.
The same type of power cables in the same direction should be bundled into the cable
bundle. The cables within the cable bundle should be clean and straight. The cable ties
should be bundled according to the following table:
Appendix table F-1 The cable tie bundling