4 - Command Set
DynaPro Go| Handheld PIN Pad Device with MSR/Contact/Contactless | Programmer’s Manual (COMMANDS)
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Reading All EMV Tags
To read all EMV tags stored on the device, the host should send the following command:
Table 4-77 - Usage Table for Command 0xA1 (Set form to Read All Tags)
Byte 0
Byte 1
Specifies which EMV or Contactless tag group to read:
00 = EMV/Contactless
Terminal tag group
10 = EMV/Contactless
Application tag group
11 = Contactless Dynamic
Reader Limits (DRL) tag
group (payWave Only)
If bits 6 and 7 are set to
EMV/Contactless Application
bits 0..5 specify which application slot to read.
(Chip Card Contactless Only)
If bits 6 and 7 are set to DRL, bits 0..5 specify the DRL
group to read. Note that DRL applies only to Visa
Number of supported slots:
Contact: 0..9 (Contact Chip Card Only)
PayPass/MCL: 0..15 (MasterCard PayPass Support Only,
MasterCard MCL 3.1.x Support Only)
payWave: 0..7 (payWave Support Only)
DRL: 0..4 (payWave Support Only)
Expresspay: 0 (Expresspay Support Only)
D-PAS: 0..4 (D-PAS Support Only)
Byte 2
0x0F=Read all EMV terminal or payment brand tags
Byte 3
Database Selector:
0x00 = Contact L2 EMV Tags
0x01 = PayPass/MCL - MasterCard (MasterCard PayPass Support Only, MasterCard
MCL 3.1.x Support Only)
0x02 = payWave - VISA (payWave Support Only)
0x03 = Expresspay - AMEX (Expresspay Support Only)
0x04 = D-PAS (D-PAS Support Only)
Byte 4
Response Type:
0x00 = Single ACK response
0x01 = Quick Initial ACK response, followed by an asynchronous delayed response after
the command completes.
Bytes 5..8
The Response Type parameter allows the host to specify how it prefers the device to compose its
response. MagTek recommends using
Quick Initial ACK response
, unless the host software needs to
use Single ACK response for backward compatibility reasons. Quick Initial ACK response is specifically
designed to help avoid connection timeout problems the developer can not control; in some cases, the
device needs more time to compile the full response than the host software’s connection library or
operating system allows before automatically timing out the request.
If an error occurs, the device terminates the command and reports the error in ACKSTS of
. For a full list of error codes, see