2. Volume delivered to the patient is a consequence of the resistance and complacency of the
patient’s breathing circuit. The ventilator remains at the inspiratory pressure level set during T
after which the ventilator cycles to expiration, keeping the PEEP pressure set.
3. If pressure or flow triggering is activated, then the ventilator attempts to synchronize the onset of
the next inspiration with the patient's effort, according to the established levels. The information
on which trigger type triggered the inspiratory cycle is reported in the status and message area of
the screen. The patient's inspiratory effort detection, for synchronization, occurs at any time during
the expiratory time.
The default values are initial reference only.
Readjust ventilation parameters as required by the patient.
The operator shall consider the inspiratory time and respiratory mechanics of the
patient to define the bias flow adjusted. If the flow is not enough, the airway pressure
may not reach the adjusted value.
If the patient makes inspiratory efforts and the trigger are properly adjusted, the ventilatory
mode becomes assisted-controlled. In this situation, the monitored respiratory rate may be
significantly greater than that adjusted.