500 D 01/2012
3.7 Data transfer
500 D can communicate with almost any conventional terminal
For this purpose it features choice of two different interfaces:
– Serial RS 232 standard interface
– USB port 1.1
For data transfer you need either a serial zero modem cable (9/9 pins, REF
919 680) or a standard USB cable (plug A / plug A).
software Photometer Data Export (REF 919 02)
This programme governs the complete communication with the photometer, trans-
ferred data can be immediately processed as MS Access data base or as MS Excel
For further information see www.mn-net.com.
Alternative data processing
Terminal software
You may e.g. use the native Windows
software Hyperterminal.
For serial transfer it is important to match the transfer rate between photometer and
computer. Basic setting: 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no protocol.
The configuration has to be adjusted in the photometer as well as in the terminal
Transfer of stored data from the photometer
Switch on the photometer, and call up memory administration by pressing
. If
required, select data to be transferred. When confirming the option
<output ?>
transfer to the computer is started.
On-line measurements
Each measured data set is sent to the interfaces, when the cuvette is removed from
the photometer.
Data transfer formats
output of data is in the tab delimited format
(semicolon delimited format), fields of a data set are separated by
semicolons and can thus easily be imported in spread sheets.
selection of a decimal point
or a decimal comma for transferred data.