L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Figure 58: Variables defined in global variables object
Figure 58 shows the contents of a sample global variables object. As shown a global variable
is defined by the fields
The name of a global variable must be unique. The name is used from the IO
driver to identify the global variable and from the L-INX Configurator to generate the
corresponding IEC61131 data points.
Here the type of the global variable is defined.
The IO driver needs to know the data flow direction to be able to update
variables. The direction is defined by adding %I for an input variable, %O for an output
variable and %M for a marker (input and output). If the address is empty, the I/O driver
will not handle the variable, but it may still be used by the tasks running on the device.
Only ASCII characters can be used for naming the global variables.
8.4.2 Build and Download the IEC61131 Program
IEC61131 programs, designed using logiCAD, must be cross compiled in order to run on the
L-INX device. The prerequisite to compile an IEC61131 program are as follows:
A program instance with associated program type
A corresponding global variables object
Right click on the LINX-110 resource, see Figure 57, and select Code Generation. Please
refer to the logiCAD online help for the meaning of the options. Take care about the option
breakpoint support, see section 8.4.5 for details.
After successfully finished code generation, the IEC61131 application can be downloaded to
the LINX-110. Right click on the LINX-110 resource and select download.
The IEC61131 program can be downloaded to the LINX-110 device via TCP/IP, CEA-709
and RS232:
Enter the IP address of the LINX-110 device. Do not change the default
communication port (2048). This is the easiest and fastest way to connect to the device.
: Select the network interface to use and fill out all other fields, see Figure 59.
Alternatively, select the network interface and press Auto-detect via Service-Pin. Then
press the service pin on the LINX-110 device. Note that this connection method requires
an installed LOYTEC network interface.