L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
connecting an FT channel to a high-performance backbone using existing IP infra-
operating as a configuration server for IP-852 devices with the router option.
1.3 BACnet
L-INX automation server models that have BACnet and all L-GATE models are BTL-
certified products that implement the B-BC profile. They are equipped with an MS/TP port
and a 100Base-T Ethernet port (BACnet/IP). The MS/TP port supports remote Wireshark
packet capture for troubleshooting. BACnet L-INX models with the router option also
contain a BACnet router between the MS/TP and the BACnet/IP ports, which can be
configured like an LIP-ME201. The router models also include a BACnet broadcast
management device (BBMD) to manage BACnet/IP internetworks, which span across IP
routers. BACnet models without the router can register as a foreign device (FD) with other
BBMDs. The device is fully compliant with ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2010 (1.7) and ISO 16484-
5. Please refer to Table 1 to learn, which device models have BACnet and the router option.
The BACnet L-INX and the L-GATE expose BACnet server objects and client mappings to
data points of the automation server or the gateway. For client mappings, the BACnet address
information is supplied by the configuration software by importing e.g., a CSV file or by
performing an online network scan.
The BACnet L-INX and L-GATE models also support the LOYTEC Alarming, Scheduling
and Trending (AST) features in native BACnet objects. The device provides BACnet
scheduler/calendar objects, which can directly schedule BACnet server objects, remote
BACnet objects or non-BACnet registers. For alarm conditions the device supports the
intrinsic reporting method of BACnet objects. Trend logs can be uploaded from the device
via the native BACnet read range.
The BACnet L-INX with the router option possesses a BACnet router between the
BACnet/IP port and the MS/TP port. This router can be operated and configured like the LIP-
ME200 from LOYTEC. The BACnet/IP interface can be used to connect the L-INX to an IP-
based high-speed backbone. The L-INX also can act as a BBMD for a BACnet/IP network.
For a detailed description of the BACnet router’s usage refer to the LIP-ME201 User Manual
A BACnet L-INX without the router option and the L-GATE can be configured to run either
on the BACnet/IP interface or on the MS/TP interface. In BACnet/IP mode, the L-INX can
be configured as a foreign device in another BBMD. The BACnet L-INX without the router
option does not provide the BBMD functionality itself. The L-GATE can also be configured
to be a BBMD. Please refer to Table 1 to learn, which models can be configured as a BBMD.
The BACnet technology in the L-INX and L-GATE allows for:
Using the device as a BTL-certified B-BC,
exposing local BACnet server objects (analog, binary, multi-state) and remote objects
(client mappings) to data points,
scheduling any data point from native BACnet schedule and calendar objects,
trending any data point to native BACnet trend log objects,
generating native BACnet alarms on any data point,
communicating with either MS/TP or BACnet/IP,
connecting an MS/TP network to a high-performance backbone using existing IP infra-
operation as a BBMD for a BACnet/IP network with the router option,