L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Alarm Server Ack-All Data Point
Alarm servers now provide a special ackAll property data point. When writing TRUE on that
data point all currently active alarms on the alarm server are acknowledged.
Format Strings in E-Mails
Data point variables used in e-mail templates can now use format strings to specify their
numeric appearance in the e-mail text.
Output NVs with Integrated Feedback
Output network variables (NVs) are used to send updates to remote nodes. In order to poll
back the actual value of the remote variable, a feedback data point had to be created for the
output NV. Now changing the direction on the NV from output to value, an integrated
feedback function is activated without the need for an extra data point. This becomes
especially useful in data point templates.
Modbus and M-Bus Templates
Modbus and M-Bus device templates offer some new features that boost productivity:
Templates can now contain definitions of pollgroups and other type resources used by
Modbus data points.
Templates can now store a folder hierarchy.
4.10 New in L-INX/L-GATE 5.0.0
This section describes the major changes and new features. For a full list of changes refer to
the Readme file.
Generic Scheduler
Generic schedulers – like generic trends and alarms – can now be created, that are neither
CEA-709 nor BACnet objects. Generic schedulers appear next to the generic alarm folder
and are ready-to-use on any device. This is beneficial for creating technology-independent
applications. Generic schedulers can write to any technology as well as data point favorites
and are the ideal solution, if configured via LWEB-900 only. For more information on
creating generic schedulers refer to the LINX Configurator User Manual [2].
Optimum Start for Schedulers
Up to now, optimum start was limited to using a SNVT_tod_event in a CEA-709 scheduler.
Now all schedulers (including BACnet and generic schedulers) support timeToNext and
nextState data points for implementing optimum start algorithms also for those technologies.
Schedulers are extended by property relations, which offer the time to the next state in
minutes and the next state in data points. Also, the enable, enableFb (feedback), and
presetName information is available as property relations.
The BACnet scheduler object also has custom properties that expose time to next state and
next state to BACnet. If standard BACnet objects are required, the property relations can be
linked to any matching BACnet server object as shown in Figure 25 (BV_nextState,