L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
VNC: The VNC server can be used for remote access to the LCD display on devices that
have it. The service is disabled by default.
Modbus TCP: A Modbus TCP server is running when Modbus TCP is operated in slave
mode. In all other cases this service is not needed.
KNXnet/IP: A KNXnet/IP server is running if KNX is enabled on the Ethernet port. In
all other cases this service is not needed.
RNI: This service provides the remote network interface (RNI) function. It is also used
by the remote LPA feature. If these features are not needed the service can be disabled.
logiCAD online test: This service is used by the L-logiCAD programming tool for online
debugging of IEC61131 programs. It is enabled by default on L-INX devices that have
the IEC61131 logic kernel. The service can be disabled.
LIOB-IP: This service is used by the L-IOB host function to operate LIOB-IP I/O
modules. This service is enabled by default on all L-INX devices. The service can be
OPC UA: This secure service provides access to data points over the OPC UA standard.
The service is disabled by default.
SNMP: SNMP server. It provides network management information on the device used
by standard IT tools. The service is disabled by default.
Wireshark front-end: The Wireshark protocol analyzer may connect to this service and
retrieve online protocol analyzer logs. The service is disabled by default.
12.5 Upgrade Key Strength
The secure services (HTTPS, SSH) rely on certificates to authenticate the device against the
connecting client. This is key to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. The device comes with
pre-installed server certificates. It is recommended to upgrade the pre-installed certificate to
an individual server-certificate and use stronger key length.
Server certificate (for HTTPS, OPC UA): Follow the instructions in the LOYTEC
Device User Manual [1] Section 3.2.29 Certificate Management on how to upgrade the
pre-installed server certificate to a custom, self-signed or CA-signed certificate with
stronger key length.
SSH key upgrade: If SSH is enabled it is recommended to upgrade the SSH key length.
Refer to the LOYTEC Device User Manual [1] Section 3.2.28 SSH Server Config on
how to upgrade your RSA key to 2048 bits.
12.6 Logging and Auditing
The device contains a log file, which can be read out over FTP or the Web server. This log
contains information when the device started and when crucial communication errors occur.
Other information such user log-on are not logged as they are not part of the primary services
of this device.
Logged events:
Time of the last power-on reset of the L-INX/L-GATE device.
Time and version of the last firmware upgrade.
Time when the device configuration has been cleared or the device was reset to factory
Commission of the CEA-709 node/router.