L-INX/L-GATE User Manual
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
troubleshoot the MS/TP network with Wireshark remote packet capture (see Section
distributing NTP time into the BACnet network as BACnet time master.
1.4 M-Bus
In addition to the basic network technologies all models except the LGATE-900 support the
M-Bus interface according to the standards EN 13757-2 and EN 13757-3. To get access to
the M-Bus network, an external M-Bus interface such as the L-MBUS by LOYTEC must be
attached to the device. On devices with a serial port, the M-Bus interface is connected to the
serial connector. In this case the user needs to turn M-Bus support on and off via a DIP
switch. On devices without a serial port, the L-MBUS interface must be used and is connected
to the extension port (EXT).
Through the M-Bus interface the L-INX can be used to scan the attached M-Bus network for
devices, pull M-Bus data points into a configuration, connect those data points to other
technologies and expose M-Bus data points to the automation server. All AST functions can
be used directly on M-Bus data points. Especially trending data and polling for data on M-
Bus devices has been optimized for automatic meter reading applications.
For debugging purposes a protocol analyzer is included in the firmware and can be operated
via the Web-UI and the configuration software. For more information on how to set up the
device for using M-Bus, configuring and using M-Bus data points, refer to the M-Bus Chapter
in the LINX Configurator User Manual [2].
1.5 Modbus
In addition to the basic network technologies the all models support the Modbus RTU and
the Modbus TCP interface. To get access to the Modbus network, the appropriate interfaces
have to be activated either in the Web UI or in the configuration software. Modbus RTU is
operated with 8N1. A Modbus port can either be operated as Modbus master or Modbus
On some BACnet L-INX models, the Modbus RTU and BACnet MS/TP protocols share the
same port. On those models, Modbus RTU can only be used, if BACnet MS/TP is disabled.
Please refer to Table 1 to learn, which BACnet L-INX models have this restriction.
Through the Modbus interface the device can be used to data points to other technologies,
and expose Modbus data points to OPC tags. All AST functions can be used directly on
Modbus data points. Especially trending data and polling for data on Modbus devices has
been optimized for automatic meter reading applications.
For debugging purposes a protocol analyzer is included in the firmware and can be operated
via the Web UI and the configuration software. For more information on how to set up the
device for using Modbus, configuring and using Modbus data points, refer to the Modbus
Chapter in the LINX Configurator User Manual [2].
1.6 KNX
In addition to the basic network technologies, some L-INX and L-GATE models can be
connected to KNX networks (see Section 1.12). To gain access to a KNX TP1 network, the
LKNX-300 interface has to be attached to the device for TP1 networks. All KNX-capable
models support KNXnet/IP directly with their Ethernet interface.