Assembly- and Installation
Lohberger Heiztechnik
N28/HB N28/GB
Seite 4
Lohberger Heiztechnik GmbH, A-5020 Salzburg-Bergheim, Rechtes Salzachufer 40
Tel. 0662-450444-0, Fax-DW 9
Es gelten unsere aktuellen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Irrtum, Druckfehler und technische Änderungen vorbehalten
The following standards / directives are to be observed in addition to local fire and
building safety regulations when installing and commissioning the boiler:
ÖNORM M7550:
Central heating boilers up to 100 °C: concepts, requirements, inspections,
designation of standards.
ÖNORM M 7510 / 1: Directives for the inspection of central heating systems.
ÖNORM M 7510 / 2: Directives for the inspection of central heating systems; guideline values.
ÖNORM B8130:
Safety equipment.
ÖNORM B8131:
Closed water-heating systems; safety-related requirements.
ÖNORM B8133:
Safety-related requirements for hot water generating systems.
DIN 4751 Part 1:
Safety-related equipment for heating systems with flow temperatures up to
110°C (120°C in preparation).
DIN 4751 Part 2:
Safety-related equipment for heating systems with flow temperatures up to
110°C (120°C in preparation). Open and closed water heating systems up to
349 kW (300000 kcal/h) with thermostatic fuse.
DIN 4751 Part 4:
Safety-related equipment for heat generating systems with flow tempera-
tures up to 120°C; closed water heating system with static levels in excess
of 15 m or nominal heat capacities in excess of 350 kW.
DIN 1988:
Potable water conduit systems in properties (technical regulations).
ÖNORM EN 303-5: Heating boiler for solid fuels, manually and automatically fed up to 300 kW.
Concepts, requirements, inspection and designation.
EN 14961-2: European standard for wood pellets.
ÖNORM M7136:
Pellets manufactured from natural wood
wood pellets
quality assurance
in transport and storage logistics.
ÖNORM M7137:
Pellets manufactured from natural wood
wood pellets
requirements for
the pellet storage area of end customers.
TRVB H118/97:
Technical directive for preventive fire protection for automatic wood combus-
tion systems.
DIN EN 12831: Heating system in buildings
Method of calculation of the design heat loa
Type test:
has been successfully tested by the Technical University of
Vienna according to ÖNORM EN 303-5. Emissions in accordance with Article 15a B-VG concerning
protective measures and the conservation of energy are adhered to.
The original type test certificates are in the possession of "Lohberger Heiztechnik".
Maximum permitted operating pressure:
3.0 bar
Test pressure:
5.0 bar
Permitted flow temperature: 100°C