Assembly- and Installation
Lohberger Heiztechnik
N28/HB N28/GB
Seite 21
Lohberger Heiztechnik GmbH, A-5020 Salzburg-Bergheim, Rechtes Salzachufer 40
Tel. 0662-450444-0, Fax-DW 9
Es gelten unsere aktuellen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Irrtum, Druckfehler und technische Änderungen vorbehalten
Fitting of rear cover
Fitting rear cover
Take the rear cover and then position it on
the front cover.
At the rear bottom of the rear cover, the two
positioning nipples have to be inserted into
the rear wall.
Fitting of front boiler cover
Fitting front boiler cover
Take the front boiler cover and position it
into the slots provided on the front of the
Close the front door.