DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL (double layer) & HDD
You may only use this DVD recorder to reproduce or copy materials for which you own the copyright; or have
obtained permission to copy from the copyright owner; or you otherwise have a legal right to reproduce or copy.
Unless you own the copyright; or have obtained permission from the copyright owner; or otherwise have a legal
right to reproduce or copy, you may be violating the law, including copyright law, and may be subject to payment
of damages and other remedies.
Please note that you
record/copy a rented or purchased video/disc from another device (video
cassette recorder, DVD player, DVD recorder, etc.) connected to this recorder.
If you use a DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW (formatted in ‘Quick Preparation’ mode), you need to
the disc
before it can be played back on other compatible devices. You can complete the process using ‘Easy Guider’.
Please see ‘
Using Easy Guider: Disc Tools’ (p.43)
for details on how to finalize a disc.
Not all discs are compatible with high-speed copying. Check with the disc manufacturer for compatibility.
Discs initialized on another recorder
be used for copying.