Linksys ATA Administration Guide
Using a FAX Machine (SPA2102, SPA3102 or SPA8000)
Configuring Voice Services
4. If you are using a Cisco media gateway for PSTN termination, disable T.38 (fax relay) and
enable fax using modem passthrough.
For example:
modem passthrough nse payload-type 110 codec g711ulaw
fax rate disable
fax protocol pass-through g711ulaw
5. Enable T.38 fax on the SPA 2102 by configuring the following parameter on the Line tab for
the FXS port to which the FAX machine is connected:
FAX_Passthru_Method: ReINVITE
If a T.38 call cannot be set-up, then the call should automatically revert to G.711 fallback.
6. If you are using a Cisco media gateway use the following settings:
Make sure the Cisco gateway is correctly configured for T.38 with the SPA dial peer. For
fax protocol T38
fax rate voice
fax-relay ecm disable
fax nsf 000000
no vad
Fax Troubleshooting
If have problems sending or receiving faxes, complete the following steps:
1. Verify that your fax machine is set to a speed between 7200 and 14400.
2. Send a test fax in a controlled environment between two Linksys ATAs.
3. Determine the success rate.
4. Monitor the network and record the following statistics:
5. If faxes fail consistently, capture a copy of the web interface settings by selecting
Save As
Web page, complete
from the administration web server page. You can send this
configuration file to Technical Support.
6. Enable and capture the debug log. For instructions, refer to
Appendix D, "Troubleshooting."
You may also capture data using a sniffer trace.
7. Identify the type of fax machine connected to the Linksys ATA device.