− CAN sync response, 181
− cyclic process data objects, 452
Synchronisation via terminal X6/DI1, 183
System blocks
− scaling, 15
− signal types, 15
− assignment of the plug connectors, 82
− baud rate, 84 , 85
− communication, 442
− configuring, 169
− cyclic process data objects, synchronisation, 452
− event−controlled process data objects, 453
− identifier, 442 , 460
− Individual addressing, 173
− network management data, 443
− parameter data, 443 , 454
− parameter data channels, 454
− process data, 443
− process data objects, 447
addressing, 460
data transmission, 450
− process data telegrams, 448
− setting the baud rate, 169
− setting the node address, 169
− user data, 443 , 455
− wiring, 81 , 83
system bus (CAN)
− CAN data telegram, 442
− parameter data objects, addressing, 460
System error messages, Causes and remedies, 238
− current characteristics
application example, 37
device protection by current derating, 38
rated output current, 35
− external brake resistor
type ERBD..., 464
type ERBM..., 464
type ERBS..., 465
− general electrical data, 32
− rated data, 33 , 34
− standards and operating conditions, 31
Temperature inside the controller, monitoring functions,
Thermal monitoring, motor, Sensorless, 23
Thermal sensors, monitoring functions, 206
Tightening torques
− Control connections, 55 , 68
− control connections, 53
Time−out monitoring for activated remote
parameterisation, 200
Timeout with activated remote parameterisation, CAN
interface, 200
− changing the direction of rotation, 350
− Holding brake control, 360
− motor control setting
I component setting, 156 , 335 , 357
speed controller adjustment, 356
− Setpoint processing, 351
− Setting of motor control, 354
− setting the motor control
field weakening, 359
maximum speed, 355
quick stop (QSP), 358
torque limitation, 354
torque setpoint, 354