demodulated carrier RF board
Using the test panel key pad navigate to the "Gainsw"
select high gain
gainsw=1 (sets codec gain swith setting to X8 branch)
Measure deviation at the
demodulated carrier RF board
10.0 to 12.0kHz of
Measure distortion at the
demodulated carrier RF board
1.5% THD+N
Measure frequency response
of demodulated carrier (250Hz
ref) at RF J3
20 kHz
-2 to +3 dB(r)
10 kHz
-1 to +1 dB(r)
1 kHz
-1 to +1 dB(r)
50 Hz
-1.5 to +1.5 dB(r)
31.5 Hz
-5 to -1 db(r)
-35 dBu, 250 Hz, low distortion, sinusoidal signal in at audio input rig
Measure Phase response of
demodulated carrier at RF
board J3
20 kHz
10 kHz
400 Hz
50 Hz
Using the test panel key pad navigate to the "Gainsw"
select auto
gainsw=0 (sets codec gain swith setting to auto select)
Battery status telemetry adjustment, indicator & low voltage power up tests
Prerequisite(s) Unit in set-up mode