- 31 / 79 -
DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
FLS 106 IC set / FLS 106 PCB set
DM-CAM with Camera Screw
The digital DM-CAM microscope camera is used to monitor the probe tip position and the distance
between the probe tip and DUT.
The camera screw is needed to mount the DM-CAM on the DM-CAM holder.3.
Figure 27: Camera screw shown separately and as connected to the DM-CAM holder.3
The camera can be fixed by sliding it into the opening of the camera screw and tightening the
small, silver-coloured knurled screw. The large, silver-coloured knurled screw and the large, black,
knurled plastic nut are used to mount the camera screw on the DM-CAM holder.3.
Figure 28: DM-CAM microscope camera
DM-CAM in the connected state
The DM-CAM is connected to the HR10 connector marked "Camera" on the scanner's Z-axis
The DM-CAM's focus can be set by turning its rear knurled nut.