- 52 / 79 -
DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
FLS 106 IC set / FLS 106 PCB set
3. Calibrate the FLS 106 scanner.
Click "Calibrate" (lower right corner) to move the scanner to its home position. This has to
be done each time the ChipScan-Scanner software is started, each time the scanner is
switched on and each time the scanner is stopped.
The scanner can then be moved into the desired position with the arrow keys of the
directional pad.
4. Open "Video View".
Click the
"Video…" entry in the "Devices" menu to follow the video transmission of the
digital microscope camera.
The desired brightness can be adjusted with the "Camera Brightness" controller in the
lower right section above "Calibrate".
The focus can be adjusted with the adjusting nut at the rear end of the DM-CAM.
Figure 58: DM-CAM microscope camera