Rev. 15 Page 115
Apr. 14/16
Testing & Fault Isolation
Use or disclosure of information on this sheet is subject
to the restrictions on the cover page of this document.
Figure 113. CVR Test, Proceed Message
At the end of the test, save the report by selecting File => Test Report =>
Save Report.
NOTE: The test report is named with the part number of the Unit Under
Test and the serial number provided in the Information section
of the test. The test report is located in the following default loc-
ation: C:\Program Files\L
3Com\CVR Tester\Reports. This file is
in an ASCII text file format.
(w) If the autotest is successful, clear the fault history log by the pull down
menu, click on Test=>Clear Fault History.
CATS Autotest using AC Power
To perform the CATS Autotest using AC power only, follow the procedures below:
Ensure that the RIU has no power applied. Power is removed. Connect a
CVR to the RIU using the 17TES0416 for the recorder rear connector and
17TES0072 for the recorder front connector.
Setup an in line RMS multimeter. Set to AC amps
Apply power to the RIU using 115Vac.
If the CATS test page is not shown, Click the L
3 CVR Test Icon on the
Window desktop. Click the OK button on the Monitor Audio Channel Pop
up menu.
From the pull down menu, click on Power at the top of the window and
select Recorder Interface Reset.
NOTE: This will load the Altera chip in the RIU unit. Observe the “con-
necting to recorder” status window appears.
From the pull down menu, click on Power => AC Power On.
NOTE: Observe the “connecting to recorder” status window appears.
Verify that the AC LED on the front of the RIU is on.
Click on the Information tab in the test section of the menu.
Enter appropriate information into Department, Part Number and Serial
Number fields.
The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed version.