p. 63
Private Interphone
Allow you to communicate directly with the flight crew. Once
selected, the boomset of the associated crew member is
connected to your boomset in a separate audio system,
allowing direct communication between you and the crew
member. You do not need to use the mic PTT as a hot mic
system is active. While private interphone is active, other crew
members can receive and transmit as normal.
Ground Call
Allows you to simulate a call from the ground crew.
Attendant Call
Allows you to simulate a call from one of the attendant stations.
Attendant Location
Selecting this button displays a pop-up menu to allow you to
select the attendant location. When station is displayed in
button, select the equivalent station to respond to the call from
the flight deck. When no station is displayed, selecting an
attendant location initiates a call from the ground crew to the
flight deck. Chimes continue to sound until call acknowledged
by flight crew, or self-cancel after 30 seconds.
Satcom Voice
Allows you to see the priority (Emergency/Safety/Non-
Safety/Public) of the satcom voice call
Service Interphone
Switches flight interphone comms from the instructors station to
'service interphone' mode. The crew can only communicate with
the instructor using flight interphone if the overhead panel
service interphone switch is selected on. Normal crew flight
interphone operation is unaffected.
Comm Noise
Allows you to set a level of noise interference on the
communications channels.
RT Chatter
Starts/stops radio chatter transmission.
Chatter stops automatically when the instructor or flight crew
transmit, and resumes two seconds after the end of the
Allows you to select either TRAINING or REAL WORLD modes
This page is selectable from the
manually control ATIS messages.
ATIS messages are automatically created for each airport according to the weather
conditions selected for the airport. When the conditions at the airport are changed, the
associated ATIS message is automatically updated, and its information letter is incremented.
The ATIS messages will be displayed in US format for all airports in the USA and in
ICAO format for all other airports.
To manually update an ATIS message: