This document is the property of KYMATI GmbH and must not be copied or disclosed without its written authorisation.
- KYMATI GmbH – 2021
KY.MAN.0164 (2.0)
KY-RAY 3D.03.01 User Manual
Doc.- No.: KY.MAN.0164
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Figure 20: Perform a first measurement
Depending on the given environment and use cases a customized device configuration might
be required. A more suitable configuration can be requested through KYMATI support.
To apply such a configuration switch to the “Configuration” Tab and select a scenario which
shall be replaced with the new configuration. Configuration files are currently provided as
“.toml” files and can be loaded into the GUI through the “Load Scenario From File” Button.
To upload the configuration to the device, press the button “Save Scenario to Device”.
The new scenario can then be activated in the Measurements tab as described before.
Do not change the parameters without KYMATI support, as this might cause a
system malfunction.