5-5. Demo
In Demo, you can listen to 9 demo songs made with
the SP7 factory sounds. In the box at the top, the
number of the currently playing demo song is
displayed. Demo songs can be played repeatedly
with the Repeat button on the right side of the
box.The left button moves to the previous song and
the right button moves to the next song. You can
play or stop demo songs with the center button.
5-6. Info
In Info, you can check the firmware version informa
tion of LCD and Engine. You can update the LCD
firmware with the LCD Update button.For details,
see [1-3. Firmware Update] page.
Soft Reset: Restores the factory default system settings while maintaining user presets.
Hard Reset: Erases all information including user presets and completely resets the SP7 Grand to its factory
default settings.
If you press the Reset button, a pop-up information appears. If you select OK, the reset is completed and the
unit powers down. Press the power button to restart SP7.
Soft Reset and Hard Reset initialization settings.
You can download the Getting Started Guide and Musician’s Guide by scanning the QR code. Please check the
latest firmware versions at www.kurzweil.com website.
Chapter 5.
Global Mode