High room temperature conditions, improper dilutions, or
excessive immersion time in a chemical sterilant can result in
damage to the plastic and elastomeric materials of the Tips.
The use of a dry heat oven, incompatible chemical vapor type
sterilizers or quaternary ammonium compounds must be
avoided as damage can result to the plastic and elastomeric
Don’t try to change the shape of Tip, it may reduce the power
Replace one new Tip if you find damage, worn or weak power of the
Main Unit
Since the Main Unit does not have direct contact with the patients, the
cleaning is simple. Just carefully swab the Main Unit with absolute alcohol
calomel, and keep it away from dust. (If other detergent is used, choose one
that will have no chemical effects on the surface of the plastic case of the
Main Unit. If not sure, please try it out first.)
Before cleaning, please remove the attached accessories from the micro-
motor. The outer surface of micro-motor should be cleaned with
anantiseptic soap or solution.