Pos : 25.19 /Ü berschrif ten/Ü berschrif ten 2/F-J/ Füll mengen und Sc hmier mit tel bez eic hnungen der Getriebe @ 0\ mod_1196951094046_78. doc @ 15335
Filling Quantities and Lubrication Designations for Gearboxes
Pos : 25.20 / BA/ Wart ung/Tabellen_F üll mengen/M ähwer ke/T abelle Füll mengen EC 7540/ 9140/ 10000 Shift @ 41\ mod_1271854358648_78. doc @ 373574
Filtered oils
Brand name
Brand name
Main gearbox
SAE 90
On request
Main gearbox (cross conveyor)
Speed gearbox (CV machines)
2 x 1.9 l
Mower Drive Gearbox
2 x 0.4
Cutter bar EasyCut 7540
2 x 6.0 l
Cutter bar EasyCut 9140
2 x 7.0 l
Cutter bar EasyCut 9140 CV
2 x 7.0 l
Cutter bar EasyCut 10000 Shift
2 x 8.0 l
Pos : 25.21 / BA/ Wart ung/Zei tint er valle an den Getri eben @ 0\ mod_1196951919921_78. doc @ 15373
Oil Level Check and Oil Change Intervals (Gearboxes)
Note - Oil level check and oil change (gearboxes) and lubricating the machine
Effect: Long expected service life of machine
First oil change on all gearboxes after 50 operating hours, then every 200 operating
hours (but at least once a year).
Before using the machine always check the oil level.
With bio-degradable oils the changing intervals must be complied with absolutely
because of ageing of the oils.
Pos : 25.22 / BA/-----Seit enumbruc h------ @ 0\ mod_1196175311226_0. doc @ 4165