Maintenance – lubrication chart
Pos : 25.37. 16 / Abkürz ung en /Abkürzungen s prachneutr al/ Eas yCut /Eas yC ut 10000 Shif t @ 41\ mod_1271851241507_0. doc @ 373499
(EasyCut 10000 Shift)
Pos : 25.37. 17 / BA/ Wart ung/Hi nweis aus Gründen der Übersicht @ 2\ mod_1202799283498_78. doc @ 61453
To make the illustration easier to read, the greasing points have only been shown on one side
of the machine. The greasing same points are present on the other side of the machine (mirror-
Pos : 25.37. 18 / BA/ Wart ung/M ähwer ke/ Eas yCut / AM M ähwer ke/ Schmi erpl äne/ Sc hmierpl an EC 10000 Shi ft @ 42\ mod_1272545001240_78. doc @ 379173
Fig. 59
Pos : 26 /BA/-----Sei tenumbruch------ @ 0\ mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165