Pos : 21.1 /Übersc hrift en/Übersc hrift en 1/ A-E/Ei nst ellungen @ 0\ mod_1199868783862_78. doc @ 36141
Pos : 21.2 /BA/ Sicher heit /G ef ahr enhinweis e/ Eins tell arbeiten angebaut e M asc hinen @ 6\ mod_1214455875276_78.doc @ 94250
Danger! - Unexpected movements of the machine
Effect: Danger to life or serious injuries.
Setting tasks must only be performed when the drive is switched off and the engine is at
a standstill!
Switch off the engine
Remove the ignition key.
Secure the tractor against rolling.
Pos : 21.3 /Übersc hrift en/Übersc hrift en 2/ A-E/Ei nst ellen der Sc hni tt höhe @ 0\mod_1196660879619_78.doc @ 9191
Adjusting the cutting height
Pos : 21.4 /BA/ Eins tell ung en/Mähwer ke/ Sc hni tthöhe/Sc hnitt höhe Bild EC 7540/ 9140 @ 11\ mod_1223453474460_78. doc @ 146635
Fig. 26
Pos : 21.5 /BA/ Eins tell ung en/Mähwer ke/ Sc hni tthöhe/Sc hnitt höhe größ er_geri nger EC280/320 @ 9\ mod_1220960304209_78. doc @ 130271
The cutting height is adjusted via the top link (1).
To do this:
Swivel the parking support(s) down
Lower the machine into working position and set it down on the parking support(s).
Rotate the top suspension arm (1).
Fold in the parking support(s).
Top suspension arm longer = bigger cutting height
Top suspension arm shorter = smaller cutting height
Pos : 21.6 /BA/-----Seit enumbruch------ @ 0\ mod_1196175311226_0. doc @ 4165