Comprima V 180
Original Operating Instructions 150001053_00_en
Damaged compressor unit ................................. 23
Damaged hydraulic hoses .................................. 23
Danger associated with welding work ................ 24
Danger of fire...................................................... 21
Danger resulting from damage to the machine .. 16
Danger when cornering with a machine hitched
and due to the overall width ............................... 20
Danger when driving on road and field............... 20
Danger zone between tractor and machine ....... 18
Danger zone due to trailing machine parts......... 18
Danger zone PTO shaft...................................... 18
Danger zone universal shaft............................... 18
Danger zone when drive is switched on ............. 18
Danger zones ..................................................... 17
Dangers arising from environment ..................... 21
Dangers for road travel....................................... 20
Dangers if the machine is not prepared properly for
road travel .......................................................... 20
Dangers in connection with certain activities:
Working on the machine..................................... 23
Dangers in connection with certain activities:
working on wheels and tyres .............................. 24
Dangers when operating the machine on slopes 20
Data memory ...................................................... 35
Declaration of conformity.................................. 241
Design of display .......................................... 95, 98
Design of the KRONE machine application........ 98
Diagnostics for digital actuators ....................... 139
Directories and references ................................... 8
Displays on the working screen........................ 104
Crop blockages ...................................... 195
Pick-up ................................................... 195
Round bale does not roll out of the bale
chamber ................................................. 196
Round bale has barrel shape, wrapping and
tying material tears ................................. 197
Short crops ............................................. 195
Tailgate does not close .......................... 196
The tailgate does not open..................... 197
Disturbances at the pick-up or during picking up of
crops................................................................. 195
Disturbances at the tying unit or during the tying
cycle ................................................................. 197
Disturbances during or after the baling process
......................................................................... 196
Drain condensation water from the compressed air
tank................................................................... 191
Drive chain of the auger conveyors .................. 184
Drive chain of the bale formation conveyor ...... 183
Drive chain of the intake ................................... 182
Drive chain of the pick-up ................................. 181
Drive chain of the rollers................................... 185
Driving and transport ........................................ 141
Ejecting round bales ........................................... 69
Electronic baling pressure adjustment (terminal)
......................................................................... 122
Ensuring functionality of safety devices ............. 19
Environmental protection and disposal .............. 21
Error list ............................................................ 202
Error Messages ................................................ 200
Faults of the electrics/electronics ..................... 200
Figures ................................................................. 9
Filling correction (terminal) ............................... 123
Filling the bale chamber ..................................... 66
Fitting wheel chocks ........................................... 74
Foreign ISOBUS terminal ................................. 100
Function description net and chamber film
wrapping ............................................................. 38
Function description net wrapping...................... 37
Function description of the bale formation
conveyor stop ..................................................... 39
Hot liquids........................................................... 23
Hot surfaces ....................................................... 23
How to use this document .................................... 8
Hydraulic diagram ............................................ 231