24 690 31 Rev. D
Install Connecting Rods with Pistons and Rings
Piston Detail
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
NOTE: Cylinders are numbered on crankcase. Make
sure to install piston, connecting rod, and end
cap into its appropriate cylinder bore as
previously marked at disassembly. Do not mix
end caps and connecting rods.
NOTE: Proper orientation of piston/connecting rod
assemblies inside engine is extremely important.
Improper orientation can cause extensive wear
or damage. Be certain pistons and connecting
rods are assembled exactly as shown.
NOTE: Align chamfer of connecting rod with chamfer of
its mating end cap. When installed, fl at faces of
connecting rods should face each other. Faces
with raised rib should be toward outside.
1. If piston rings were removed, see Disassembly/
Inspection and Service procedure to install new
2. Lubricate cylinder bore, piston, and piston rings with
engine oil. Compress rings using a piston ring
3. Make sure FLY stamping on piston is facing towards
fl ywheel side of engine. Use a hammer with a rubber
grip and gently tap piston into cylinder as shown. Be
careful that oil ring rails do not spring free between
bottom of ring compressor and top of cylinder.
4. Install inner rod cap to connecting rod using screws.
Two diff erent types of connecting rod screws have
been used. If 6 mm straight shank, torque in
increments to 11.6 N·m (103 in. lb.). If 6 mm straight
shank gray metallic color, it is not necessary to
lubricate this screw, torque in increments to 13.6
N·m (120 in. lb.). Illustrated instructions are provided
in service rod package.
5. Repeat above procedure for other connecting rod
and piston assembly.
Install Governor Cross Shaft
1. Lubricate governor cross shaft bearing surfaces in
crankcase with engine oil.
2. Slide small lower washer onto governor cross shaft
and install cross shaft from inside of crankcase.
3. Install nylon washer onto governor cross shaft, then
start push-on retaining ring. Hold cross shaft up in
position, place a 0.50 mm (0.020 in.) feeler gauge on
top of nylon washer, and push retaining ring down
shaft to secure. Remove feeler gauge, which will
have established proper end play.
Install Camshaft
1. Liberally apply camshaft lubricant to each of cam
lobes. Lubricate camshaft bearing surfaces of
crankcase and camshaft with engine oil.
2. Position timing mark of crankshaft gear at 12 o’clock
3. Turn governor cross shaft clockwise until lower end
of shaft contacts cylinder. Make sure cross shaft
remains in this position while installing camshaft.
4. Slide camshaft into bearing surface of crankcase,
positioning timing mark of camshaft gear at 6 o’clock
position. Make sure camshaft gear and crankshaft
gear mesh with both timing marks aligned.
Oil Pump Assembly
Oil pump is mounted inside oil pan. If service was
required, and oil pump was removed, refer to assembly
procedures under Oil Pump Assembly in Disassembly/
Inspection and Service.
Governor Gear Assembly
Governor gear assembly is located inside oil pan. If
service was required, and governor was removed, refer
to assembly procedures under Disassembly/Inspection
and Service.
Install Oil Pan Oil Seal
Oil Seal Details
Oil Seal
6.5 mm (0.255 in.)
1. Check to make sure that there are no nicks or burrs
in crankshaft bore of oil pan.
2. Apply a light coat of engine oil to outside diameter of
oil seal.
3. Drive oil seal into oil pan using a seal driver. Make
sure oil seal is installed straight and true in bore, to
depth shown.