Connecting Rods
Off set, stepped-cap connecting rods are used in all
these engines.
Inspection and Service
Check bearing area (big end) for excessive wear,
score marks, running and side clearances (refer to
Specifi cations). Replace rod and cap if scored or
excessively worn.
Service replacement connecting rods are available in
STD crankpin size and 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) undersize.
0.25 mm (0.010 in.) undersized rod can be identifi ed by
drilled hole located in lower end of rod shank. Always
refer to appropriate parts information to ensure correct
replacements are used.
Remove Crankshaft
Carefully pull crankshaft from crankcase.
Inspection and Service
Crankshaft Components and Details
Self-Tapping Screw
Flat Washer
Fillet Must Blend Smoothly with Bearing Journal
High Point from Fillet Intersections
45° Minimum
This Fillet Area Must Be Completely Smooth
NOTE: If crankpin is reground, visually check to ensure
fi llet blends smoothly with crankpin surface.
NOTE: To prevent repeat failures, camshaft and
crankshaft should always be replaced as a set.
Inspect gear teeth of crankshaft. If teeth are badly worn,
chipped, or some are missing, replacement of crankshaft
will be necessary.
Inspect crankshaft bearing surfaces for scoring,
grooving, etc. Some engines have bearing inserts in
crankshaft bore of oil pan and/or crankcase. Do not
replace bearings unless they show signs of damage or
are out of running clearance specifi cations. If crankshaft
turns easily and noiselessly, and there is no evidence
of scoring, grooving, etc., on races or bearing surfaces,
bearings can be reused.
Inspect crankshaft keyways. If they are worn or chipped,
replacement of crankshaft will be necessary.
Inspect crankpin for score marks or metallic pickup.
Slight score marks can be cleaned with crocus cloth
soaked in oil. If wear limits, as stated in Specifi cations
and Tolerances are exceeded, it will be necessary to
either replace crankshaft or regrind crankpin to 0.25 mm
(0.010 in.) undersize. If reground, a 0.25 mm (0.010 in.)
undersize connecting rod (big end) must then be used to
achieve proper running clearance. Measure crankpin for
size, taper, and out-of-round.
Connecting rod journal can be ground one size under.
When grinding a crankshaft, grinding stone deposits
can get caught in oil passages, which could cause
severe engine damage. Removing crankpin plug when
crankshaft is ground provides easy access for removing
any grinding deposits collected in oil passages.
Use these following procedures to remove and replace
Procedure to Remove Crankshaft Plug:
1. Drill a 3/16 in. hole through plug in crankshaft.
2. Thread a 3/4 in. or 1 in. long self-tapping screw with
a fl at washer into drilled hole. Flat washer must be
large enough to seat against shoulder of plug bore.
3. Tighten self-tapping screw until it draws plug out of
Procedure to Install New Plug:
Use a single cylinder camshaft pin, as a driver and tap
plug into plug bore until it seats at bottom of bore. Make
sure plug is tapped in evenly to prevent leakage.
Remove Flywheel End Oil Seal
Remove oil seal from crankcase.
Disassembly/Inspection and Service
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