Chapter 11
Operation manual
Trouble Shooting
Chapter 11 Trouble Shooting
This chapter assists the ship’s crew to locate a faulty module as well as simple fuse replacement.
11.1 Information required for service
Please advise the following details:
(1) Name of vessel, Satcom number if available.
(2) Equipment type name
(3) Equipment serial number
(4) Software type name shown on the standby screen.
(5) Next port of call, ETA and ship’s agent
(6) Faulty conditions and the result of on board check
11.2 Self check function
When the MDP-600series is first turned on, a system check program runs to diagnose system functions.
If the result is found normal, the message “System check OK” and “Battery OK” will appear on the
screen. If this sign does not appear, there is a possibility of system failure. Call for service.
11.3 Trouble shooting
The following table provides information about initial line check schedules to locate a faulty area and
gives remedial measure(s), where applicable.
Initial check schedule for MDP-600series
Faults detected
Possible cause of the failure
Remedial action against
negative result
Equipment does not turn
1. Is the fuse blown?
2. Does the power supply voltage lie
within the rated range ?
31.2 VDC
3. Is the power cable firmly
connected to ship’s battery?
1. Replace the blown fuse with a
new one.
CAUTION: Make sure to turn
off the main supply before
attempting to replace the fuse.
2. Use a proper rated main
3. Reconnect the cable firmly to
the battery.
Equipment turns on with
beep but nothing shown
on the display.
1. LCD unit may be faulty.
1. Call for service.