Software Control of the PDA Detector 2800
Fig. 25
Diode Array Detector
By clicking on Info the Diode Array Detector information will be shown
and updated after clicking on Reset. This information is stored in the
Hardware configuration after clicking on OK. Afterwards, the exact
wavelength range of the current detector is shown as Wavelength range
in the Detector Setup (there is no information about the installed lamp(s)).
All parameters are stored with the current method and they only need to
be updated for a new method or if the detector is exchanged.
Settings and Initial Tests
Fig. 26
Lamp Control
Clicking on Lamp Cntl in the Detector Setup opens the Lamp Control
menu where the lamps and shutter(s) can be switched on and off.
Lamp: on / off can be set separately for D
and halogen lamps – Set must
be clicked to switch the lamps and shutter as selected! (default: on)
The user can see which lamp is on and which lamp is off only from the
detector’s operation display. The software receives no information about
the lamp status.
PC and software cannot ‘see’ what lamp(s) is (are) installed in the
detector. For example, a halogen lamp can be switched on and off
through the software although it might not actually be installed.