Operating the PDA Detector 2800
256 MB RAM or more
20 GB hard disk or more
Ethernet interface
Chromatography Software: KNAUER ChromGate
system software
V 3.1 or higher. KNAUER EuroChrom
software V 3.05 or higher
Make sure that:
There is complete access to all devices and ports on the PC
(e.g. local administrator or administrator).
The PC’s Ethernet interface is properly installed and activated.
Connect the detector to the power supply cable.
Installation without LAN (just PC and detector)
Connect the Smartline PDA Detector 2800 to the PC via the crosslinked
Ethernet patch cable (yellow/grey).
In case the preset IP address ( of the detector cannot be
used please change the default settings according to SOP 1 (see below).
Switch on the PC. Check the PC’s IP address following SOP 2 (see
below). If the PC’s IP address does not fit with the detector’s address
please change the PC’s IP address according to SOP 3 (see below).
Switch on Smartline PDA Detector 2800. The main power switch is on the
rear panel.
Check the communication between PC and Smartline PDA Detector
2800 according to SOP 4.
Installation with LAN (PC is connected to a network)
Connect Smartline PDA Detector 2800 to the network (switch, hub or wall
socket) via the standard Ethernet patch cable (blue).
Knauer stores a default IP address in the Ethernet-Link interface device
of the Smartline PDA Detector 2800. Consult your network administrator
for a unique IP address to integrate in your company's network. Most
likely, you will need to reconfigure the Ethernet-Link interface’s default
settings for IP address, along with subnet mask and gateway, to meet
your network’s specific needs.
In case the preset IP address ( cannot be used please
change the default settings according to SOP 1 (see below).
Switch on the PC. It is possible to see the PC’s network settings following
SOP 2 (see below). (Please do not change any settings without the
network administrator’s approval!)
Switch on Smartline PDA Detector 2800. The main power switch is on the
rear panel.
Check the communication between PC and Smartline PDA Detector
2800 according to SOP 4.
SOP 1 Displaying / Setting the S2800’s IP address
Connect the detector’s serial port to a COM port of the PC using a
standard RS 232 cable (female/female).
Start a terminal program (e.g. Windows Hyperterminal), enter the
number of the PC’s COM port and the default settings for data
transfer (data rate 57600, 8 data bits,1stop bit, no parity).