Operating the PDA Detector 2800
3. Push the capillary as far as possible into the flow cell inlet.
4. Fasten the bushing by hand (for standard stainless steel connections
please use the supplied wrench).
5. Connect the flow cell outlet (upper side) using a capillary or PTFE
tube (ID > 0.5 mm) to a waste bottle.
The capillary connections in a simple HPLC system are shown in the
figure below.
Fig. 12
Capillary connections of the detector
(example: low pressure gradient HPLC system)
Use bushings (e.g. DYNASEAL bushings, see Accessories on page
33) which keep the dead volume as small as possible and the
shortest possible capillary with a small internal diameter.
Fig. 13
DYNASEAL capillary connections