8163A/B, 8164A/B & 8166A/B Mainframes Programming Guide
Introduction to Programming
The Operational/Questionable Status Enable Summary Mask
(OSESM/QSESM) allows you to choose the module slots that may affect
the OSB/QSB of the Status Byte. If any bit of the QSESR goes from 0
AND the corresponding bit of the QSESM is 1 at the same time, the QSB of
the Status Byte is set to 1. If you set a bit of the OSESM/QSESM to zero,
the corresponding module slot cannot affect the OSB/QSB. The default is
for all the bits of the OSESM/QSESM to be set to 0.
The Operational/Questionable Status Enable Summary Mask for the
8163A/B Lightwave Multimeter and the 8164A/B Lightwave Measurement
System consists of one level. These are described in
As the 8166A/B Lightwave Multichannel System has 17 module slots, the
Operational/Questionable Status Enable Summary Mask consists of two
levels. This is described in
Status System for 8163A/B & 8164A/B