Operating Manual AmbiCube
General information
Page 8 of 40
Version: 2 | en
Subject to technical changes
End user
Qualified person-
Competent person
Visual inspections
Table 1:
Overview of activities
End user
The end user has been instructed in the product by the operator and has been in-
formed about possible dangers in case of improper behavior. The end user may
only operate the product and carry out non-safety-critical activities after instruction
by the operator. Non-safety-critical activities are cleaning and visual inspections.
The end user must be trained regularly by the operator on the dangers involved in
handling the product.
Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel are persons who, due to their professional training, experience
and instruction, have sufficient knowledge about:
– Safety regulations
– Accident prevention regulations
– Basic knowledge of air technology
– Basic knowledge of electrical engineering
– Guidelines and accepted rules of technology (for example VDE guidelines, DIN
Qualified personnel must be able to assess the work assigned to them, recognize
possible dangers and avoid them. Qualified personnel must be authorized by the
person responsible for the safety of the system to perform the required work and
activities. If the qualified personnel has been trained by the manufacturer to per-
form safety-critical activities and has sufficient knowledge in the respective field,
the qualified personnel may perform safety-critical activities.
Competent person
Competent persons are persons who belong to the manufacturer's personnel.
Competent persons are persons who, on the basis of the authorization of the man-
ufacturer and the technical training, are authorized to carry out pending activities
on the product.
For systems with explosion hazard inspections and repairs must be carried out by
"competent persons" with the appropriate qualification in accordance with German
operational safety regulation (BetrSichV) .
It is recommended to have these activities performed by a person with training according to VDI 6022 ,
Hygiene requirements for room air conditioning systems and devices .