Filter resistant [mbar]
Air volume flow [m³/h]
Differential pressure
Settings on the
Characteristic curve of the
unit in new condition
Recommended air
volume flow
Air flow volume min
Illustration 10:
Transmitted recommended volume flow
Cross the transmitted recommended volume flow with the device characteristic
curve in new condition and read the corresponding setting. This is your initial set-
ting on the controller in new condition. In the example this is setting 6.
Due to the filtration your room air filter now moves on the "red" or "6" characteristic
curve. You can leave this state until you reach the minimum flow rate, you can read
this point on the manometer. In our example this point is at 3.4mbar.
Filter resistant [mbar]
Air volume flow [m³/h]
Differential pressure
Settings on the
Characteristic curve of the
unit in new condition
Recommended air
volume flow
Air flow volume min
3.4 mbar
Illustration 11:
Reaching the minimum air volume flow
When you have reached the minimum flow rate, you should increase the volume
flow by turning up the rotary control, this can be done, for example, one higher pos-
ition, in our example to "7". Now the room air filter moves on the "orange" or "7"
characteristic curve.
Operating Manual AmbiCube
Setting values
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Version: 2 | en
Subject to technical changes