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DWG ID: 181-0101-00A
Date: 2003-09-26
default OFF
When OFF and in the Convers Mode, packets are sent when the SENDPAC character is
entered or when PACLEN is achieved. When ON and in the Convers Mode, packets are
sent at periodic intervals determined by PACTIME. Characters are sent periodically as in
Transparent Mode but the local editing and echoing features of Convers Mode are
See also: convers, cr, paclen, pactime, sendpac, trans
default ON
When ON the SENDPAC character (normally carriage return) is appended to all packets
sent in Convers Mode except when PACLEN is exceeded. Setting CR ON and
SENDPAC $0D results in a natural conversation mode. Each line is sent when a “CR” is
entered and arrives at its destination with the “CR” appended to the end of the line. To
avoid overprinting, AUTOLF may need to be ON at the receiving end.
See also: autolf, lfadd, sendpac
default OFF
When ON, the display of every other carriage return (when no data is between them) in
the received data is suppressed (removed) before sending the data to the terminal. When
CRSUP is OFF, all carriage return characters are left in the received data as it is sent to
the terminal.
See also: autolf, lfsup
default OFF
When ON, the daytime stamp is printed with all “*** CONNECTED TO” and “***
DISCONNECTED” messages on the terminal.
See also: connect, daytime, disconnect, mstamp