.ply to .las converter
– This utility is used to convert Stencil .ply files to .las format without
opening CloudCompare.
rosrun kaarta_io ply_to_las.sh
ASCII to binary point cloud converter
– This utility is used to convert ASCII point clouds to binary
or binary to ASCII.
rosrun kaarta_io ply_ascii_binary_converter [filename of input ply file] [filename of
output ply file] [- -to_ascii or - -to_binary] 4
The use of 4 at the end applies only to - -to_binary conversions and represents the
number of threads to use.
Update older 2018 files to S20.02 format
– This utility will convert scan folders generated prior
to the S19.07 Stencil 2 software release. This is critical for generating the scan_info.yaml file
needed for Loop Closure using GNSS data and to use Localization using GNSS. It also converts the
point cloud to binary which significantly speeds up processing times.
rosrun stencil_scripts update_2018_2019.sh
A dialog box will appear with options for selecting the source directory for the older files. If the
boxes, do not auto populate, you can manually select the files you want. The point cloud file will
be converted to binary. The point cloud, trajectory, and GPS file headers will be used to generate
the scan_info.yaml file. The trajectory, GPS, Last pose, and bag files will be copied over, but are not
changed if they are selected. You could also choose to copy over the loop_closed or sharpened
files instead of the original scan files. If you run this multiple times from the same folder, you will
create _upgraded.1, 2, etc for each combination. Make sure that any other files are copied
manually over into the new folder like the configuration.yaml file, etc. The upgraded folder will be
created in the same directory that the original directory was in. If you want to copy from an
external drive and have it put directly into the Stencil recordings folder, select the checkbox at the
bottom left of the dialog box.