30000000 - Maximum number of points in the preview point cloud. For
longer scans like an hour, increase this number to 90000000. The purpose of the preview
cloud is to quickly look at results in the field. A smaller cloud for post-processing also helps
if you need to make multiple tries to find the right parameters for the Loop Closure Tool.
Set this number to 0 to prevent saving a down sampled point cloud.
2 – Number of threads to use for the scanRegistration process.
– Increasing this number decreases the size of the
point cloud data to save. Only increase it if you are not saving point cloud data in
localization modes.
: 1
- Number of scans to skip when registering point clouds. By default, the
program registers scans at 5Hz skipping every other scan. Setting the value to zero will
result in 10 hz-registered scans but uses more of the CPU load, causing incorrect scan
matching during live scanning. Recording the raw data allows you to register the 10 Hz
scans by replaying the .bag file doubling the data density.
0.2 - Resolution of the surface voxels for feature extraction. In tight
areas, reduce the values by 50 %. In open areas, increase by 50 %. This can also be set to 0
in replay (not live scanning) to not voxelize the data before matching for better results.
2.0 - Size of the area in meters around the sensor where points less than
this number are not used. This eliminates adding points for people following the scanner
or mounting structures in view of the lidar. In tight areas, reduce the value to 1 or 0.5.
140 – Max range to use for registering scans. Set to a smaller
value in dense, cluttered environments like rain forests. Increase if using the VLP-32C.
100000 – Max range to include in point cloud data. You can register a scan at
50 meters, but include all range data in the point cloud. Set the number to under 140
meters to exclude the further away less accurate points.
4 – Number of degrees to consider in order to
prevent the calculation of edge points around occlusions. Configured at the factory. Not
meant for user changes.
0.0 -
Configured at the factory. Not meant for user changes
- Note that the following two parameters are double indented. The
following two parameters are used together to create a wedge within a certain height
range to exclude lidar data from being added to the map.