Switch Actuator with Secure
Parameter “Valve position during fault"
This parameter defines the valve position that the switch actuator controls in fault mode. Options:
0 % (OFF)
10 % (26)
90 % (230)
100 % (ON)
Unchange: the valve position is unchanged.
Parameter “Report fault status”
This parameter sets whether to send telegram to report fault mode under fault mode.
If enabled, when the device does not receive the control value within the monitoring time, it will
send an error report, and this output will perform the dynamic action under the fault mode until it is
interrupted by other operations. When the device receives the control value again, the monitoring time
timing of this output starts again.
The object “Report fault” will be activated when enabled. When the value of the communication
object "Report fault" is "1, means that this output enters into the fault mode. When the value is "0", the
output is not in the fault mode.