Switch Actuator with Secure
4.5.3. Parameter window “X: Regular”
The window of “X: Regular” in Fig. 4.5.3 will pot out when it is enabled in the parameter “Function
of regular switch” in Fig.4.5(2).
Fig. 4.5.3 Parameter window “X: Regular”
This function can be used to avoid the device’s malfunction because of the dust deposits in the
valve area, which plays a very important role when in the long unchange switch status.
This function can be started by the object “Trigger switch regularly” or internally.
Parameter “Time of switch regular in [0...255]”
This parameter defines the time span when the regular switch carry out one action, and whose unit
is minute. Options:
0...255 min
Parameter “Automatic switch regularly”
This parameter defines the time interval of starting the automatic regular switching. Options:
One times per day
One times per week
One times per month
It will start the time counting of the automatic regular switch function if there is no operation on
the relays, and recount as long as the relays have operation.