Switch Actuator with Secure
Parameter “If bus failure,output status is”
The output can adopt a defined status after the bus voltage failure via this parameter. Options:
Contact open
Contact close
When selecting “Unchange”, status of contact will remain the same as the last status before power
When selecting “Contact open”, contact of the channel will be opened when the bus power off;
When selecting “Contact close”, contact of the channel will be closed when the bus power off.
Parameter “Obj. value of “switch” after bus recovery”
This parameter will be visible when enabling the logic function “Input 0” to define the default value
of the communication object “Switch” after bus voltage recovery, which can be “0” or “1”. Options:
To write with “0”
To write with “1”
After application programming or bus recovery, the object value is 0.
Parameter “Set the reply mode of switch status”
This parameter defines the status of the current switch status when the telegram is sent. Options:
No reply
Respond after read only
Transmit after change
If selecting “No reply”, delay will not send any telegram;
If selecting “Respond after read only”, the status telegram will not be sent out until receiving the
status telegrams from other devices;
If selecting “Transmit after change”, it will send the status automatically when there is any changes
on the output.