Switch Actuator with Secure
When the flashing function is activated, when the corresponding message is received, the system
will start the flashing output. The blink switch interval can be set in the parameters "Duration of switch
on(contact close): --(0...240 minutes)/--(0...59 seconds)" and "Duration of switch off(contact open):
--(0...240 minutes)/--(0...59 seconds)". It will restart the flashing when receiving the relevant telegram
by the object “Switch out with flashing”, and define the contact position after flashing.
Parameter “Duration of switch on(contact close): --(0...240 minutes) / -- (0...59 seconds)”
This parameter defines the duration time to switch on(contact close) the output when flashing.
0…240 min
0…59 s
Parameter “Duration of switch off(contact open): --(0...240 minutes) / -- (0...59 seconds))”
This parameter defines the duration time to switch off (contact open) the output when flashing.
0…240 min
0…59 s
NOTE: it will not be executed unless the time is lower than the relay threshold switch frequency.
Since there will be not sufficient energy to do it because of the frequent relay switching, and it may
cause time delay. The same situation will happen after the bus voltage recovery.
Parameter “Number of ON-impulses [1...255
0=no limited]”
This parameter setting the flashing times. A flashing includes an on and an off Options:
NOTE: 0 means no limited!
Parameter “Output status after flashing”
This parameter points out the relay contact position after flashing. Options:
Contact open
Contact close