KIROVETS K-744R1, K-744R2, K-744R3, K-744R4 tractors
After drainage of sludge from air cylinders, wipe the valves dry, apply plastic grease;
- undo plugs of hydraulic tank in the hydraulic systems of the linkage and for steering
control, PDR, expansion tank, PTO; wash them up and wipe dry; lubricate the
threaded joints of plugs with plastic grease and screw them back in place; wrap (cov-
er) them with polyethylene film and bind them with packing twine;
- blow off filter element of the air cleaner with compressed air. Wrap polyethylene film
around the upper part of the exhaust and air intake pipes along with the above-
mentioned plugs of filler ports and bind them with packing twine.
- apply preservation oil or grease on threaded connections of the central pull rod, ver-
tical struts, spherical surfaces of the central pull rod and lower links of the linkage,
protruding parts of the stems of hydraulic cylinders in hydraulic systems for steering
control and of the linkage; pre-clean and remove traces of corrosion; wash up, de-
grease and dry up the surfaces. Having applied the preservation oil or grease, wrap
the above-mentioned threaded joints, spherical surfaces and parts with a polyeth-
ylene film of paraffin paper, bind them with packing twine;
- set the levers and pedals of control mechanisms to the position preventing inadvert-
ent activation of the tractor and its units into operation;
- put the tractor on props or pads in a position where semi-frames and other assem-
blies cannot be warped or bent and pneumatic wheels and springs can be unloaded.
Clearance between the tyres and seating area shall be 80 - 100 mm;
- disconnect the storage batteries; clean and remove traces of corrosion and electro-
lyte; clean up vents, lubricate connection terminals with plastic grease. Determine the
level and density of electrolyte in accorda
nce with the operation manual “Lead start-
ing storage batteries”. In case when the tractor is to be stored at low temperatures or
storage period exceeds one month, take off storage batteries and deliver them to the
warehouse. Headlamps, generator, starter shall be cleaned, blown off with com-
pressed air; their fasteners and connecting terminals shall be lubricated with plastic