KIROVETS K-744R1, K-744R2, K-744R3, K-744R4 tractors
When removing and mounting the wheels, install the temporary pins lo-
cated on the driving axle pinion cage in the vertical plane. Before removal of paired
wheels from the hub (or one of them) release air from both wheels.
Installation of extra wheels on tractors
To ensure tractor operation on soils with increased moisture content (early spring works,
etc.), installation of extra wheels on tractors is provided for with parts for their installation in
order to reduce specific pressure on the soil and improve the tractor’s passing ability.
The kit includes the following:
for K-744R1 tractor:
4-wheel assembly (2 left and 2 right wheels), 4 spacer collars, 4 pressing rings, 32 stud bolts,
32 special nuts.
for K-744R2, K-744R3, K-744R4 tractors:
4-disk wheel assembly (2 left and 2 right wheels), 4 spacing collars, 32 special bolts, 32 nuts,
32 washers;
4-disk wheel assembly (2 left and 2 right wheels), 4 spacers, 56 stud bolts, 32 nuts, 32