(Soft-Controller) < Store >
not implemented yet
(Soft-Controller) < Format >
not implemented yet
Miscellaneous (Misc)
After pressing the
(Soft-Button) < Misc >
The LC-Display shows
The following features are located inside this menu:
(Soft-Controller) < LCDct >
(LC-Display contrast)
Here you an set the contrast of the LC-Display. Its range is
< -128 >
up to
< 127 >.
(Soft-Controller) < Knobs >
(Parameter smoothing)
You can switch the parameter smoothing on and off.
< smooth >
the most used setting. Parameter smoothing is active. Turning a knob will cause
fluent and continuous parameter changes without audible steps.
< step >
Parameter smoothing is switched off. When turning a knob, you’ll hear audible steps
in the parameter changes. This could be useable under some circumstances.
(Soft-Controller) < MemPr >
(Memory Protection)
< on >
All SUNSYN parameters are write protected. You can not overwrite an existing
sound or multi program. When you try to overwrite an existing program, the LC display will
show the following error message:
< Memory-Protected >
You can save on empty memory
locations though!
< off >
All existing programs can be overwritten.
(Soft-Controller) < Service >
These functions are only accessible/used for technical service.
Tuning (Tune)
After pressing the
(Soft-Button) < Tune >
The LC-Display shows:
In addition to the autotune feature which is available in the VCO section, you can control all
user tunable features in this menu.
Menu-Driven Features
Single Mode
thebook-all 07.11.2002 18:28 Uhr Seite 67 (Schwarz Bogen)